AMA Chapter 1632

FAA Renewal Click above.

Attention IT's ama renwal time!
Now accepting applications with club dues for 2025.
Please submit your application and payments in the mail.
Checks should be made out to neprcc and mailed to
NEPRCC PO Box 52436 Phila, PA 19115

Members Planes and Stuff for Sale!

The items listed below are planes and R/C related items that are being offered for sale from members of our Club.

If there is an Item you would like listed please send an e-mail to  Membersneprcc@aol.com please Include any detailed information about the item your selling, a description, and price, along with a jpg picture if you can and your Contact info with e-mail address for correspondence. 

When we receive your e-mail it will update to the list below and send you a confirmation e-mail. 

We will need to receive an e-mail confirming that it sold so that I can remove from list. I will try and keep the list updated as soon as possible and we can not be responsible for reply's on items that you list to your e-mail.

This is a service that as Secretary and Web administrator I provide pro bono.                                        SCROLL

For Sale Flightline Spitfire Mk IX 1200mm (47”) Wingspan

Includes Spektrum Compatible (Admiral) 6 Ch Stabilizer Receiver (BNF), various spare parts including main Landing Gear/Retracts. Fully “Weathered” with “Invasion Stripes”. Easy transport model.

$150.00 or Best Offer

New Price on Motion RC $259 as PNP, no spare parts

Contact: Gary Busler email:gary.bus@comcast.net

The Planes pictured below are from Past Club member Phillip McFadden,

I am offering these planes for sale to our club membership, all proceedes to goto Phillips Wife and family, Any reasonable offer will be accepted. For information  or to make arrangements to look at these planes please contact me via e-mail Kamkazee@aol.com or phone call 215 704-4123

For Sale:  I have a A-1 Skyraider ARF new in the box. Asking $200 ,

I also have Flightline P38 From Motion RC asking $300   Contact Alan Sobieski 215-429-6140