Our Club Officers for 2023
Angelo Tata - President :Torch Tata @msn.com
Marty Rotkis - Vice President : MAR081580@outlook.com
Kenneth Lenke - Secretary: Kamkazee@aol.com
Gary Busler- Treasurer : Gary.bus@comcast.net
Robert Kolmetsky - Head Instructor : Iflyrc8@aol.com
Alex Lomov - Safety officer: lonely0911@gmail.com
Skip Chernoff - Field Marshall : Skipchernoff@Gmail.com
Robert Kolmetsky -: Head Instructor Iflyrc8@aol.com
Angelo Tata -: President : Torch Tata @msn.com
Kenneth Lenke -: Secretary : Kamkazee@aol.com
Greg Loglisci -: GregLoglisci@gmail.com
Alex Lomov-: Lonely0911@gmail,comGregLoglisci
The Official Club Mailing Address is :
NEPRCC P.O. Box 52436, Philadelphia, PA. 19115
Please address all applications and correspondence to the same, Mail is picked up twice a month, and is processed by the Secretary of the club. Thank you.